1. Chanel, Primark don’t sell fashion online – for different reasons: One to remain an exclusive brand and the other because it’s not worth it. Today, you can buy Chanel fragrance, cosmetics, skincare and sunglasses online, but if you want to purchase any kind of fashion item you need to go to either a Chanel boutique or an associated department store – and a change in strategy looks unlikely any time soon. – Read More on SCMP
2. It’s Time to Update Section 230. A quarter of a century ago, in Section 230 of the 1996 Communications Decency Act, Congress implemented “safe harbor” protections against legal liability for any content users post on social-media platforms. When you grant platforms complete legal immunity for the content that their users post, you also reduce their incentives to proactively remove content causing social harm. – Read More on HBR
3. Why the new era of British fashion is all about the factory: As consumer awareness grows around the environmental impact of fashion and the welfare of the world’s garment workers – the awareness that clothes do not appear in a puff of smoke, direct from a sketchpad and on to Kate Moss – scrutiny is shifting away from the designing of clothes and on to the making of them. – Read More on the Guardian
4. Fashion boom in recycled plastic comes with a price tag: The repurposing of synthetic materials in everything from swimwear to sneakers is growing but carries a financial and environmental cost. – Read More on the FT
5. ‘Made in China, sold on Amazon’ community seeks to cut reliance on US e-commerce giant, trade group says: Chinese vendors must seek alternatives because Seattle-based Amazon.com is unlikely to ease up on its campaign against certain practices, such as encouraging customers to write good reviews, according to Wang Xin, executive chairman of Shenzhen Cross-Border E-Commerce Association. – Read More on SCMP