Daily LInks
1. It’s Time to Retire the Idea of Women’s Watches: Making watches unisex is a smart business decision. First, they would be catering to 100 percent of their customers. Not 45 percent or 55 percent, but all of us. This would allow them to use their marketing dollars in joint campaigns showing both men and women wearing their products. Fashion scions like Gucci are already launching un-gendered apparel collections. – Read More on Bloomberg
2. Four ways consumer spending will change once more people are vaccinated: Young consumers are spending money on post-Covid purchases, such as apparel and handbags, and they’re also more eager than other generations to interact with people outside of their household. – Read More on CNBC
3. As China increases control, what’s the future of Hong Kong fashion? “It seems to be a very natural development for local brands to embrace what’s going on in Hong Kong and to be inspired by the [pro-democracy] movement. But it all depends on a few factors: whether they rely on the Chinese market for businesses, what their brand values are and how they approach this sensitive matter.” – Read More on i-D
4. Will Crypto Be Regulated? The BitMEX Case Could Bring Laws to Bitcoin Regulators as well as Wall Street are stepping in to remake the crypto industry as the value of Bitcoin surges. It recently traded at more than $60,000, up from about $7,000 a year ago. – Read More on Bloomberg
5. U.S. Economy Ramps Up on Spending Surge, Hiring Gains: The gain in consumer spending—the biggest driver of economic activity—came as the government began distributing hundreds of billions of dollars of stimulus funds to households. It was the largest monthly gain since last May, during the initial recovery from lockdowns early in the Covid-19 pandemic. – Read More on the WSJ