Daily LInks
1. At €200 Billion, Hermes Surfs Luxury Boom to Surpass Novartis: Hermes soared past €200 billion ($218 billion) in market value for the first time ever this week. The stock has been rallying along with other luxury shares this year, as investors see the sector as capable of withstanding an economic downturn. – Read More on Bloomberg
2. Brand Watch: EU misses mark with ‘disappointing’ anti-greenwash proposal. “Claims need to demonstrate whether it is accurate for the whole product or only for parts of it. So no claiming “carbon neutral” if just the packaging is, but what’s inside is not. Life cycle data will be key.” – Read More on Reuters
3. OpenAI threatened with landmark defamation lawsuit over ChatGPT false claims: Australian regional mayor, Brian Hood, sent a letter on March 21 to OpenAI announcing his plan to sue the company for ChatGPT’s alleged role in spreading false claims that he had gone to prison for bribery. – Read More on ArsTecnica
4. How Rebag turned luxury bags into assets: Owning its inventory also means that Rebag has access to a lot of detailed information about luxury handbags. As a result, it has more detailed information about the supply and demand on the market than other players. – Read More on Fast Co.
5. Crypto-related US trademark filings nosedive in 2023: Crypto-related trademark applications in the US in the first quarter of 2023 amounted to 559, which is a 66.1% decrease from 1,649 recorded in the first quarter of 2022. – Read More on FinBold
6. Building a Great Customer Experience in the Metaverse: The metaverse can help put consumers in the driver’s seat in at least three major ways: 1) by creating new ways to discover and explore products; 2) by helping to fuse physical and virtual product experiences in more meaningful ways; and 3) by reestablishing connections between people and brands through AI bots. – Read More on HBR