Daily LInks
1. Can sustainable fashion be affordable? Overconsumption is a problem: by making clothes so affordable that they’re often as cheap as a cup of coffee, the industry only incentivizes unnecessary consumption and waste. Besides, most consumers around the world are likely to leave ethical concerns aside when given the choice of buying a low-price item made in a sweatshop or a pricier responsibly made product. – Read More on SCMP
2. Democratizing the luxury economy: How NFTs empower artists and creators. Non-fungible tokens, or NFTs, are the world’s first digital Veblen goods, even though they may require the suspension of disbelief among traditional economists, digital numismatists, and the collectors of life’s rarer things. – Read More on Fortune
3. RELATED READ: From Royalties to Resale Restrictions, What Would Tying NFTs to Luxury Goods Look Like? While “the tokenization of physical items is not yet as developed as their digital counterparts,” blockchain platform Ethereum states in a “use case” report that NFTs “can be used to represent ownership of any unique asset in the digital or physical realm,” and asserts that “there are plenty of projects exploring the tokenization of real estate, one-of-a-kind fashion items, and more.” – Read More on TFL
4. U.S. antitrust enforcer says merger wave means slower vetting: A huge increase in the number of mergers coming before the Federal Trade Commission for antitrust reviews is limiting its ability to investigate deals in a timely fashion, the FTC says. – Read More on Reuters
5. Morgan Stanley calls Victoria’s Secret a ‘credible turnaround story,’ thinks stock can jump 65%: Victoria’s Secret began trading as a stand-alone company Tuesday, and Morgan Stanley thinks the retailer could make a big comeback after years of declining sales. – Read More on CNBC