Daily LInks
1. Billionaires Get Bested in Fast Fashion’s Survival of the Fittest: For a relatively small sum, Boohoo gets a successful website that expands its operations beyond young fashion to an older demographic. Debenhams also brings a premium beauty business, which can complement Boohoo’s apparel sales. However, there is a question mark over whether the big beauty groups will continue to sell through the site. – Read More on Bloomberg
2. RETRO READ: As Fast Fashion Gets Faster and Cheaper, the Giants Behind it Are Facing Scrutiny. Beyond the practical elements of the supply chain that make such prices possible, years of widespread marketing by way of advertising campaigns boasting inexpensive H&M and Zara garments, for instance, or Instagram ads touting dirt-cheap Fashion Nova looks have led to a collective belief among consumers that these prices are how much clothing should cost, and anything above these prices reflects an unnecessary markup. – Read More on TFL
3. Chinese brands are gaining popularity at home: Social media and e-commerce have shaken up the retail industry and raised the stakes for companies trying to sell to the increasingly price-conscious Chinese consumer. “The entire infrastructure for brands has undergone a big change, and there are now more and more new brands emerging (in China).” – Read More on CNBC
4. Is the European Luxury Stock Rise Real or a Mirage? Unsurprisingly, some investors are bullish about these luxury stocks. “We view European luxury companies as the European stock market equivalent of US tech: businesses that are unrivaled in their global dominance,” said Giles Rothbarth, the manager of the Blackrock European Dynamic Fund, to Bloomberg. – Read More on Jing
5. Facebook to soar 26% on e-commerce, advertising strength: A BoA analysts says that lauded Facebook’s new eCommerce push – including Instagram’s new shopping centric redesign – is the solution to revenue woes in the near term in a Monday note to clients, but also warned that antitrust complaints and section 230 related changes might slow growth in the second half of 2021. – Read More on Business Insider
6. The Future of Fashion: Apparel and Luxury Brand Marketing in Post-Corona Times. “More to the point, apparel is a necessity, but the fashion industry is very fast-lived, and customers are not as willing to buy the latest product offerings if they have to contend with monetary uncertainty. Not to mention, that today, due to the pandemic, consumers can barely wear the clothing out on the town.” – Read More on Forbes