Daily LInks
1. Watchmakers Don’t Invest Enough in Typography, And It Shows: Hermès’ approach to watch typography is unusually poetic. In reality, only a small and decreasing number of watchmakers go to the trouble of creating custom lettering for their dials. More often, watch brands use off-the-rack fonts that are squished and squeezed onto the dial’s limited real estate. – Read More on Bloomberg
2. Luxury consumers in Vietnam prefer shopping for Gucci, Chanel and Dior on social media sites rather than physical stores – and the trend only grew during Covid-19: E-commerce in Vietnam grew 46 per cent year on year, alongside strong growth across most sectors except for travel. Looking towards 2025, they suggest the e-conomy will reach $52 billion in value, ranking third in Southeast Asia. – Read More on SCMP
3. How to trade Europe’s incoming ‘revenge spend,’ according to BlackRock: A strong rebound in economic activity will lead to a deluge of consumer spending on dining, drinking, travel and leisure. Also … consumers are increasingly balancing share price decisions against criteria of sustainability, suggesting that companies with strong social, environmental and governance are rapidly becoming a “must-have” in investment portfolios. – Read More on CNBC
4. Fashion Could Feel Effects of COVID-19-Induced Labor Crisis Until 2023: Globally, the world’s 2 billion-strong informal work sector — think delivery workers, ride-share drivers, day laborers in factories and farms — remain vulnerable because they lack basic social protection. In fashion, this informal labor is found in subcontracted garment work and the heritage handwork of textile artisans, among other areas. – Read More on Yahoo
5. Luxury’s Battle for the Metaverse: Luxury names are indeed in the process of creating their own version of metaverses by tapping consultants, early adopters, and gaming experts to devise their immersive spaces. “All of the luxury brands are planning things and talking about how to create a virtual digital representation of their brand as another touchpoint.” – Read More on Jing