Daily LInks
1. How luxury brands can earn the loyalty of younger customers: It has become much easier to quickly move affordable, high-quality goods from design to market, effectively shifting the very definition of luxury. A personalized touch enhances a customer’s emotional connection to a luxury brand and speaks to the “why” behind the relationship. – Read More on American Marketer
2. ‘The response has been mind-blowing’: How one corner of the fashion industry turned a crisis into a boom. Against the odds, small, independent businesses have seen sales boom since the lockdown, as customers actively seek to champion smaller brands. Is how we shop changing for good? – Read More on the Telegraph
3. Coronavirus crushes Asia’s garment industry: Since the 1960s, Asia has grown into the world’s garment factory, sending about $670 billion worth of clothes, shoes and bags a year to Europe, the United States and richer Asian countries, according to the International Labour Organization. – Read More on Reuters
4. Albanian garment industry unravels amid coronavirus pandemic: “Some might survive, but makers of shirts, fashion and shoes have stopped. I see the last one expiring in end-June and even if they work day and night we cannot resume before September.” – Read More on Reuters
5.Beauty experts weigh in on the future of selfcare: The future for the beauty industry is extremely uncertain since most of the work is super high-touch, which might mean that people are nervous to get back to the salon even when they’re able to do so. – Read More on CNBC