Daily LInks
1. Retail sector facing ‘full-on inventory crisis,’ analyst says: “We need a totally different planning– buying, planning, and allocation model in this sector going forward. The working capital disruption that this sector has faced needs evolution.” – Read More on Yahoo
2. Retailers Still Have a Lot of Extra Stuff That Shoppers Don’t Want: Americans have largely shifted their spending away from things like apparel and footwear — in favor of travel and entertainment — leaving retailers with far more merchandise than they can sell at full price. – Read More on Bloomberg
3. For Some Luxury Brands, Selling Up May Be as Important as Selling: Powerful rivals like LVMH are heavily outspending it in tech. The biggest brand owners also have more leverage to get better deals with ad agencies and landlords—an important group now that luxury companies have more of their own shops. – Read More on the WSJ
4. The New Laws Trying to Take the Anxiety Out of Shopping: If passed, many of the bills could change what you — the consumer — see on your clothing labels, or even the design of what you find on store shelves. The movement also reflects a shift away from the idea that the burden should rest primarily on shoppers to buy better and buy less. – Read More on the New York Times
5. Winners take all in global apparel, fashion, and luxury: While the luxury segment has been the longest-standing winner within the industry, a recent surge in sportswear has gained momentum as a preferred choice among premium customers. – Read More on McKinsey