Ivanka Trump’s fashion brand cut ties with a Chinese manufacturer long before it became a source of interest for China Labor Watch, a non-profit organization tasked with investigating labor conditions. As reported by the AP. “Three China Labor Watch investigators went into Huajian Group factories undercover posing as workers in March, April and May of this year and found Ivanka Trump merchandise inside.”
In a statement released this week, Ivanka Trump Collection president, Abigail Klem, said Ivanka Trump shoes, which are made by licensing partner Mark Fisher, have not been produced since March at the Huajian Group factory where alleged labor abuses occurred, including laborers putting in over 15 hours per day and taking home just $363.
According to the Associated Press, “It is unclear whether that was really the end of the relationship” between the Trump brand and the Huajian Group.
Alicia Edwards, a State Department spokeswoman, said this week that the U.S. is concerned by “the pattern of arrests and detentions.” Labor activists, she added, are instrumental in helping American companies understand conditions in their supply chains and holding Chinese manufacturers accountable under Chinese law.