Valentino S.p.A. v. Mario Valentino S.p.A., Yarch Capital, LLC (2:19-cv-06306)

U.S. District Court for the Central District of California · Filed Jul. 22, 2019

Jun. 14, 2024: Joint Stipulation for Dismissal

Jul. 24, 2023: Joint Status Report

Apr. 25, 2023: Joint Status Report

May, 21, 2021: Answer to Answer to Complaint and Counterclaim filed by Valentino S.p.A.

Apr. 30, 2021: Joint Answer and Joint Counterclaims filed by Yarch Capital, LLC and Mario Valentino S.p.A

Apr. 9, 2021: Order re: Motion to Dismiss

Dec. 23, 2020: Notice of Motion and Motion to Dismiss Contributory Liability Counterclaims filed by Valentino S.p.A.

Nov. 18, 2020: Answer and Counterclaim filed by Mario Valentino, S.p.A., et al.

Nov. 4, 2020: Order re: Yarch Capital’s Motion to Stay

Dec. 6, 2019: Opposition to Motion to Dismiss filed by Valentino S.p.A.

Oct. 4, 2019: Notice of Motion and Motion to Dismiss filed by Mario Valentino S.p.A.

Sept. 12, 2019: Notice of Motion and Motion to Dismiss filed by Yarch Capital, LLC

Jul. 22, 2019: Complaint filed by Valentino S.p.A.