image: Forbes
Amazon Go is a new kind of store featuring the world’s most advanced shopping technology. “No lines, no checkout – just grab and go!,” boasts the online giant of its new cashier-free stores, which stand to revolutionize the retail sector, including fashion. Not limited to the U.S., Amazon has made its expansion endeavors known by way of a handful of trademark applications in the United Kingdom and the European Union.
Earlier this month, Amazon filed applications with the U.K. Intellectual Property Office for federal registration of four trademarks, including “No Lines. No Checkout. (No, Seriously.)” (no. UK00003230488), “No Queue. No Checkout. (No, Seriously.)” (no. UK00003230510), “Every Queue is a Defect” (no. UK00003230509), and “Every Line is a Defect” (UK00003230485). Talk about line-shaming! These applications have all been preliminarily approved by the UK IPO and as such, have been published for opposition, thereby allowing any parties that have similar marks to oppose them within a fixed timeframe.
Corresponding applications for “No Lines. No Checkout. (No, Seriously.)” (no. 016701922) and “Every Line is a Defect” (no, 016701906) have been filed with the European Union Intellectual Property Office and are currently being examined.
Amazon opened its first Go store in the U.S. in Seattle in late 2016 by way of a test-run brick-and-mortar with no cashiers or checkouts. Instead, the store operates by way of “sensors and a smartphone application to top up customers’ ‘virtual shopping carts’ when they remove items from shelves and place them in their bags. When they leave the store, Amazon adds up the cost of items purchased and charges shoppers’ accounts,” per Bloomberg.
The company has said little about its plans, aside from a video about Amazon Go’s no-checkout format that has racked up more than 8.7 million views on YouTube. Its recent push for international IP, however, could be telling. Stay tuned.