Daily LInks
1. Data reveals fashion’s inclusivity problem: It is data that unquestionably shows that black people are underrepresented in the very industries which claim to want to make space for them. Creative industries are not diverse in terms of ethnicity, with particularly low numbers of black and minority ethnic workers across museums, galleries and libraries (2.7 percent); film, TV, video, radio and photography (4.2 percent); and music, performing and visual arts (4.8 percent). – Read More on the Guardian
2. Intellectual property protections for fruit-growing plants are on the rise—and so are the lawsuits: Cosmic Crisp apples, Cotton Candy grapes, and Cuties are among the most fiercely protected fruits in the global IP marketplace. “It means someone can’t take your plant, produce thousands of it, and not pay for it.”– Read More on The Counter
3. A Close Look at a Fashion Supply Chain Is Not Pretty: A new report on factories in Malaysia that create products for Brooks Brothers, Levi’s, LL Bean and others examines the high prices workers pay for their jobs. The investigation, which was shown to brands supplied by the factories in late May, included allegations of potential forced labor among TAL’s 2,600 migrant workers, linked to payment of high recruitment fees in their home countries to guarantee their jobs. – Read More on the New York Times
4. Ten Resources for Women-Owned Businesses: The number of women-owned businesses in the U.S. continues to grow each year. Today, women-owned businesses account for more than 12 million American companies, which generate $1.9 trillion in revenue and employ 9.4 million workers. – Read More on CO.
5. Skin whitening creams are busy rebranding, but long-held social prejudices in Asia, Africa and the Middle East remain: Following decades of pervasive advertising promoting the power of lighter skin, a rebranding is hitting shelves globally. But it’s unlikely that fresh marketing by the world’s biggest brands in beauty will reverse deeply rooted prejudices around “colorism,” the idea that fair skin is better than dark skin. – Read More on SCMP
6. RELATED READ: Rwanda is the Third African Nation to Take a Stand on Skin-Lightening Products. “We must open up a conversation around skin color and beauty and the media, particularly the fashion media, which must feature other types of beauty beyond the Western ideal, to end this color bias.” – Read More on TFL