W. David Marx, author of the recently released book, Ametora: How Japan Saved American Style, and the former editor of Tokyo-New York street culture magazine Tokion, tells Colin James Nagy, the head of strategy for creative consultancy Fred & Farid, how a brand like Supreme has held such resonance for so long …
“Authenticity-powered status and mastery of the psychological slight-of-hand possible with limited-edition consumerism. When individuals buy something for distinction, and it turns out everyone else has it, they typically abandon it and find something more distinct. But if 10 million people all own a unique product from a brand, they are unlikely to be disappointed with the fact that 10 million people also own the same brand because the other 9.9 million people don’t own the exact same thing. So you can have masses all own the same thing but not think they own the same thing.”