U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California · Filed Jan. 13, 2023
Aug. 12, 2024: Order re: Motion to Dismiss
May 7, 2024: Procedures and Tentative Rulings
Mar. 21, 2024: Opposition to Motion to Dismiss filed by Andersen, et al.
Feb. 8, 2024: Order re: Motion to Strike
Feb. 8, 2024: Motion to Dismiss filed by Runway AI
Feb. 8, 2024: Motion to Dismiss filed by DeviantArt
Feb. 8, 2024: Motion to Dismiss filed by Stability AI
Feb. 8, 2024: Motion to Dismiss filed by MidJourney
Nov. 29, 2023: First Amended Complaint filed by Andersen, et al.
Oct. 30, 2023: Order re: Motions to Dismiss and Strike
Jun. 2, 2023: Opposition to DeviantArt’s Motion to Strike filed by Andersen, et al.
Jun. 2, 2023: Opposition to Stability AI’s Motion to Dismiss filed by Andersen, et al.
Jun. 2, 2023: Opposition to MidJourney’s Motion to Dismiss filed by Andersen, et al.
Apr. 18, 2023: Motion to Dismiss filed by MidJourney
Apr. 18, 2023: Special Motion to Strike filed by DeviantArt
Apr. 18, 2023: Motion to Dismiss filed by DeviantArt
Apr. 18, 2023: Amended Motion to Dismiss filed by Stability AI
Apr. 18, 2023: Motion to Dismiss filed by Stability AI
Jan. 13, 2023: Complaint filed by Anderson, et al.